Copyright Notice | Disclaimer
Copyright Notice
Copyright in the pages forming this website is, subject to any rights accruing to third parties, owned by The Private Trust Corporation Limited (“PTC”). PTC grants permission for the personal, non-commercial downloading, printing, transmission and temporary storage of any materials on this web site. PTC also grants permission to create links to PTC’s homepage, but the PTC website must be the sole element of the browser window when links are established by business sites and / or for promotional purposes. All other use of the materials, in whole or in part (including without limitation reproduction, permanent storage, re-distribution and incorporation into other materials or web pages) is prohibited without the prior consent of PTC.
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The Private Trust Corporation Limited (“PTC”) is licensed and regulated by The Central Bank of The Bahamas, the Securities Commission of The Bahamas and the Insurance Commission of The Bahamas.
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PTC does not give investment or tax advice and nothing contained in this web site or in any other information provided by PTC should be construed as such. Furthermore, this web site provides general information only and is not intended to give either specific advice or be a comprehensive guide to the subject under consideration. Specific professional advice should be obtained before taking, or refraining from taking, any action in connection with the matters referred to herein.
This web site is subject to regular update and revision. Whilst PTC attempts to ensure the correctness and timeliness of all material posted on this web site, PTC accepts no responsibility for and excludes all liability in connection with browsing this site, use of information on this site, downloading any material from it and all other matters mentioned above, including but not limited to any liability for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or misleading or defamatory statements, or any damage to computer equipment, software or hardware. Furthermore, PTC maintains the right to delete or modify in part or in full any information on this website without prior notice.
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